Endpoint Protection

Cybiss > Endpoint Protection

Endpoint Protection

Endpoint protection from Cybiss is a fully managed, network security service that is designed to protect endpoint devices on your network.  Endpoints can include PC’s, Laptops, Smart Phones, Tablets and any other specialist equipment or point of sales terminals.

Our solutions is based around a client/ server model that is centrally managed by our industry, certified staff.  We provide multiple layers of protection through a high-powered client that covers both Physical and Virtual machines.  By enabling these granular control we can manage and maintain your IT estate locking down policy and enforcing standards and controls.

Our application controls monitors applications behavior including, automated system lockdowns, advanced whitelisting and blacklisting.  We detect unauthorised changes, and can conduct damage assessments and ensure your endpoints are protected and compliant.


August 14, 2016


Endpoint Protection, Professional Services
